drinkmail.com was created at the end of 1998. Three friends had a great idea for a website, (drinkmail.com) an iMac, a digital camera and bad - but now worse - livers. So Mike figured out how to host it, Dave created the website and Jill designed the photos.Our goal is to become the place to come on the net when you want to send someone an e-card with a picture of a drink.
Because drinkmail.com is only the beginning! You won't believe what's going to come next!
Cheers, skoal, salut, cin cin, good on ya, Mike and Dave and Jill
(technical stuff. This site was made on an original iMac,, gfx were made in Adobe Illustrator 3.2, compressed with Macromedia Fireworks 2, the photos were taken [batch one, with a Kodak digital camera], [batch two, with a Sony Hi 8 handycam hooked up to a Zenith laptop] and [batch three with a M2 MPEG digital camera] . The images were then cleaned up with Adobe Photoshop 3.0.1, graphics attached and compressed using Fireworks 2. Dave's OS was equal parts over-boiled coffee and Visine.)